Low Carbon Across the South East (LoCASE) is an EU funded project set up to help businesses tackle and adapt to climate change. Available while the fund lasts.
Low Carbon Across the South East (LoCASE) is an EU funded project set up to help businesses tackle and adapt to climate change. Available while the fund lasts. LoCASE (Low Carbon Across the South East) is the new ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) funded programme supporting businesses throughout the South East LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) region to improve their carbon efficiency. The programme will provide grants, green business audits, knowledge transfer placements and specialist carbon efficiency workshops. The aim is to reduce costs by cutting emissions and to promote the opportunities of the low carbon market. LoCASE offers grant funding up to £5k (as 40% of project costs), examples of the types of grants include; Lighting Systems, Heating Systems, Equipment & Software. An initial energy audit will be required to determine your suitability for a grant, and a specialist business energy advisor will meet you at your premises. For more information or to see how Independent Heating & Cooling can help you, please call us on 01323 449000 , email sales@ihc-uk.com or contact us.